
update: it's on time! you like it!

i'm doing that blog post procrastination thing again.  i just feel kind of vegetableish right now.  broccolian, if you will.

i'm sitting on my bed right now looking out the glass doors that lead out onto my balcony, and i've gotta say... way to go, utah.  way to be gorgeous right now.  we've been getting quite a bit of rain this season, and things are amazingly green.  i went for a drive yesterday and happened upon this gorgeous view of the sun coming through rainclouds and falling on brilliantly green foothills.  it really was beautiful.  unfortunately, i didn't have my camera with me, so you will all just have to believe me that it was beautiful.  i'm sure i'll head in that direction again at some point in my wanderings, and i'll try and remember a camera next time.

i've lived in utah for nearly eleven years, and it occurred to me recently that i don't actually know my state very well.  i know the areas i've lived in.  i know salt lake city.  and i know southern utah, because i spent many of my childhood summers down there and have since made a regular pilgrimage down to zion national park.  but that's the limit of my knowledge.  so i've decided to learn more about it.  i don't mean read books about it or anything.  i'm more of a learn-by-doing sort of girl, and i do love adventures.  so my learning has pretty much consisted thus far of pointing my car in a direction and heading in said direction until i feel like turning around.  it's been rather pleasant so far.  so if any of my gentle readers aren't from utah and feel like visiting, i can give you a heck of a driving tour of cool locations.  (also, i can tell you where to eat.  name a food genre and i will find you some local tasty eats you can't find elsewhere.  no chain restaurants on my watch, thank you very much.)

so that's about it for now, as far as updates go.  now i need to write a review of a book and pretend like it isn't two days late.  whoo!

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