

happy halloween!  okay, so i know yesterday was technically halloween, but really we should keep the spirit of halloween in our hearts all year round.  so happy halloween anyway!

no, i haven't disappeared off the face of the earth.  nor have i been eaten by werewolves, vampires, zombies, or any other sort of spooks. october was just busy busy busy for me and i didn't get to write as much as i would have liked. i promise to make up for it soon, though, with tasty recipes and tales of wonder.

but first... let's discuss something very important.

halloween costumes. click below for pictures and videos and other goodness!

i had two costumes this year-- one for parties, which we shall call costume A, and one for work (costume B).  costume A was based on the works of edward gorey, who is an amazing artist. his works are delightfully macabre and have a wonderful, tongue-in-cheek ghastliness to them. i had great fun getting my costume together, including making this hat.

costume A premiered at my friend britt's amazingly awesome halloween party.

me looking dour, my friend emily-the-steampunk-inventor looking adorable as always.

the party was fun, i promise. i was just being in character. the only time you see an edward gorey character smile is when they're about to do something horrible, i'm sure.  i also made pickled eggs for the party and two loaves of bread shaped like arms.  yes.  arms.  someday, i may even show you pictures of them.

costume A featured in another party, as well as the main event and the measure of its creation: a very gorey teatime at the grand america hotel in salt lake city.

the ladies (left to right: britt, me, chelsey, erin, camie)

the gentlemen (left to right: jory, david)
tiffany couldn't stay for group pictures.  alas!
i just love this picture too much for words.
and this one.

a full shot of my costume.

i love my friends.

costume B was a revamp of a costume from a few years ago.  i was madam heap from fraggle rock.
this is not me.

this is me.  also emily again.

britt, me, and emily.

you can't really see them well in the pictures, but i made apple cores and a banana peel and orange peels out of model magic and stuck them to the costume, along with leaves and various other flotsam. and i made the glasses as well.  only three people knew who i was without being told, but that's alright. i didn't dress up as madam heap for the recognition, i dressed up as her because... guys, i am madam heap.  i'm like a cross between madam heap and josie gellar from never been kissed.  seriously.

but i digress.

to sum up: haloween is awesome, edward gorey is awesome, fraggle rock is awesome, and i am so ready for a break from the sheer awesomeness that was october. give me my jammies and my sofa and my laptop, please.  i'm ready to relax a little bit.

and now, to close, i shall leave you with a message from my hero and yours, marjory the trash heap.


  1. Brenda--I am officially blog-stalking you now. Hope we've reached that level in our relationship. If not, I'm pretty sure I can't stop stalking, so we'll just have to speed up the process.

    Love love LOVE your costume(s). You are so fabulously creative, and I won't lie--I'm jealous.

    So now you know.

  2. Best! Costumes! EVER! I love love love them! And I love you even more! The end.

  3. Clever costumes. Thanks so much for sharing. You are so creative. I always look forward to your blogs.

  4. lauren: AAAH BLOGSTALKER. you creep. (it's okay, i still like you.)

    callie and helen: thank you thank you!! <3
