
update: hello again, mr. stomach flu.

i've been doing a lot of updates lately and slacking on everything else, i know. shame on me. and i've even been slacking on the updates. i've in fact been meaning to write this post for like two weeks now, but it just hasn't happened yet. (until now, at least. obviously.)

two weeks, ago, i came down with a nasty stomach bug. again. (you may recall that i had one about three months ago, too.  this was, however, not the stomach flu, as it was discovered that my mother was also sick at the same time i was.  the culprit? evil cottage cheese.)

i woke up feeling a little queasy, but went to work anyway. by an afternoon meeting, i was toast. i got sent home, where i took a two hour nap, watched too much buffy the vampire slayer on netflix, and then tried to go back to sleep.

sleep was not interested. sleep was on vacation somewhere and didn't even want to think about me. his weird cousin, Restless Dozing with Cracked-out Fever Dreams did decide to show up, though.  my fever dreams always involve trying to solve some ridiculous puzzle or completing some ridiculous task.  once i had to alphabetize my blankets.  this time, because i'd watched far too much buffy, i had to solve a buffy-centric puzzle.

it was ridiculous.
answer: pickle sandwich
eventually, around five in the morning, i got some rest.  i didn't go into work the next day, as i was still in an active state of dying.  i'd drunk all of my stomach-settling soda the day before and was out of stomach medicine, so i decided to take advantage of a brief period of feeling slightly less-dyingish and drag myself to the nearby drugstore.

it was not a fun experience, and i was not looking like my loveliest self, let me just tell you.  i wandered around the store for a bit looking like a bleary-eyed troll. eventually i found what i had come for-- Pepto Bismol, Sprite, and a pack of saltines, the classic "my stomach is going to kill me" food.

i made my way up to the checkout counter and stood in line, swaying a bit because my legs had atrophied due to the stomach plague.  i stood there for a few minutes.  then a few more.  and then i realized that there were two store clerks at the same cash register discussing sale prices with a woman with a full cart of groceries.  i was at a drug store, people.  who on earth goes grocery shopping at a drug store?  and who stands there talking about whether the 4 oz bottle of toothpaste is on sale or if it's just the stand-up 4.5 oz bottle of the same toothpaste that's on sale? and let me emphasize something here-- i was looking rough.  i was holding stomach medicine and two other stomach-settling implements.   

clearly i was not well.  clearly i was the one who actually needed to be helped and sent on my merry way before i collapsed into a heap of squishy misery and caused some kind of outbreak.  but no. oh, no.  i waited for an eternity (okay, probably like five more minutes, but still) before i finally, in my cranky brenda-is-sick-and-grumpy voice, said "oh for crying out loud," put my stuff on the counter without purchasing it, and reeled out of the store in the most dignified manner i could.

i still needed my medicine stuff, of course.  and i still looked dreadful, and i still have some sense of dignity, so i went to the creepy grocery store on the corner instead of going to one of my usual stores.  it was creepy, but whatever.  i totally blended there.  and at least i left with pink chalky goodness in tow.


  1. NOT fun. and so annoying. you are nicer than i. i would have said something like, can one of you please come ring up my items before i puke on the floor?
    i hope you're feeling better!

  2. Can I just tell you how happy your illustrations make me?! I'm sorry about your horrible flu, but the visuals are just so awesome.

    Next time, if you call me, I will bring you stomach saving paraphernalia (do you know how hard that word is to spell?! And it's a word that sounds less like one the more you say it. Go ahead, try it.) Anyway, you may think I'm kidding, but I'm not. No one should have to go out feeling like that. I will drive to your house, don't think I won't!

  3. Aw, I would have got the medicine and stuff for you, but probably more like 6 am, not 4.
