
top fiveish: top five most awesomest shows ever (when i was eight)

for today's top fiveish, we're going to take a look at my favorite tv shows from when i was a kid.  (it was remarkably hard to narrow it down to five.  well... six. okay, seven.  i may revisit this list later.)  read on!  you know you want to. 

5: gummy bears

i was in love with the gummy bears. i had a collection of gummy bear toys i got out of breakfast cereal boxes. i also remember going to disney world when i was seven and seeing some sort of gummy bear extravaganza and being completely enthralled. granted, it's based on a candy and is about bears who get super powers after drinking "magic juice" and spend their time getting back at The Man.  but still. awesome. try not to sing the theme song at the top of your lungs. you're already doing it, aren't you?  don't lie.

4: rescue rangers

CHUH CHUH CHUH CHIP AN' DALE... REScue ranGEEEERS... i loved this show.  i wanted to be gadget when i grew up, because she was smart and wonderful and could do anything.  also i had a bit of a crush on chip.  i don't know, okay?  it was an early manifestation of my attraction to the rugged, broody type, i think.

3: animaniacs and tiny toon adventures (tied)

my love started with tiny toon adventures, then transitioned over to animaniacs as i got older.  this was an after-school standard for me.  and they're still funny to me.

2: fraggle rock

i watched fraggle rock every morning before school.  it was on disney then, not HBO.  gosh, i love this show.  i was madam heap for halloween a few years ago and thought it was totally brilliant.  i've also developed a reputation at work for loving fraggle rock.  my friend shar has a stash of little fraggle rock books that she's found at thrift stores.  she's given me seven so far (usually on particularly rough days that i need brightened), and they're all set up on the bookcase in my office.

1: adventures in wonderland and x-men (tied)

adventures in wonderland was my before-school favorite.  x-men was my after-school favorite.  we could go into the psychology of all of that, but let's just focus on the fact that they were both awesome shows.  adventures in wonderland had cool songs and lessons about reading and literacy and life, and x-men was just freaking awesome. (except jubilee.  she was dumb.)  i had a crush on the hatter in adventures in wonderland, though i have no idea why.  i also had a crush on gambit in x-men, but it is entirely obvious why.  my best friend in elementary school and i used to play x-men on the playground.  we made up characters and would have adventures, which usually involved being overdramatic on the balance beam and a lot of climbing up the loopy jungle gym thing, as i recall.  (i was the daughter of gambit and rogue.)

1 comment:

  1. i'm with you on gummy bears, animaniacs, and x-men. for myself, i'd have to add gem and the holograms and thunder cats to the list.
