
update: adventure! for reals, this time!

the beginning of last week was brain-wrackingly frustrating, so in order to keep my sanity i took this past friday off. hooray for three-day weekends! i think three days is pretty ideal for me-- just right to get everything done that i need to get done, plus time to do things with friends, plus time to relax. just perfect.

friday was a day of indulgence, for the most part. i went on a trek to a lovely little french pastry shop for breakfast, then went to an adorable little bookstore that i would live in if i could. i'd gotten a gift certificate from friends for this little bookstore, but i'd, of course, forgotten it at home. i bought the books anyway. (welcome to my expanding library, the little prince and the princess bride.)  this just means that now i have to go back and use my gift certificate to get more books.  i have no idea what i'm going to spend it on, and i'm sure i'll agonize about it for a while, but this means my little library will grow even more!

friday evening, i went out to dinner with some friends.  one friend brought her boyfriend's son, who was four and adorable and took quite the liking to me.  i'm absolutely certain that the waitress thought he was my son, and she could hardly be blamed for it.  partway through the meal, he decided he was done and instead leaned up against me and pulled my arm around him.  he was cute as a button, so i was okay with it.

saturday, my friend chelsey and i went on a field trip to eureka, a little mining town out west.  adventure!  for reals!  eureka is what's called a half ghost town, meaning that parts of it are abandoned and creepy as all get-out, but the town is still technically active.  people still live there.  why?  i have absolutely no idea, because heebidy jeebidy.  i'll give you more information about the town tomorrow, including pictures that i took during our adventure.  for now, here's a teaser.


that bird was real. there were, in fact, a lot of black birds hopping and swooping around the cemetery, as well as a few deer. chels and i started down one path and there were two black birds in the road right in front of us. i said in a very ominous tone that there was one for each of us. she didn't think i was very funny.

saturday night, i went to a wedding reception for one of my coworkers. it was really, really pretty and really well put-together. her family is a wedding-planning powerhouse. she has a sister who's a florist, a sister who's a pastry cook, a sister who's a graphic designer, a sister who's an amazing cook/style diva, and her parents are caterers. seriously. this family was made for weddings.

at the reception, my friend britt (who is the amazing cook/style diva in the above family) introduced me to one of her friends who she's been telling me about for a while now. the minute he turned around, there was this slow-motion moment of oh my gosh. (no, not in a romantic way, so don't even think that. barking up the wrong tree there.) i worked with him five years ago at the borders cafe! i'm constantly amazed at how small this area really is. britt and i actually dated the same guy six years ago and were at the same parties without ever having actually met. she's friends with this boy who i worked with at borders, who also happens to be good friends with the girl who was my college roommate when i was a freshman. (also, my CEO's daughter-in-law is the daughter of my parents' good friends, and one of my best friends in high school had a desperate crush on her son. iiiit's a small world aaaafteraaaall...)

this week's goals: stay positive, be happy, and drink water. also... yoga didn't really happen last week, but it will this week. dang it.

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