
update: danger! intigue! (or: another dull week in the life of a brenda)

i had this dream last night, i was in brazil, doing something work-related.  i was outside, beneath a canopy of trees, and i suddenly realized that the trees were full of snakes-- big, fat, bright-yellow snakes that were draped over the branches.  very scary.  lots of hissing.  i kept calling them asps, even though i knew they weren't asps.  i climbed a vine to get away from the snakes, but i needed to get inside of this little house. getting inside meant walking under the snakes, though.  so i created a distraction by knocking over a box of grape kool-aid packets.  all of the snakes attacked the box and i ran inside.  one of the snakes-- a particularly long, fat one-- followed me into the house.  i slammed the door and cut it in half, but the half with the head stayed alive and kept following me, so i dropped a stack of books on it.


other than that, nothing particularly interesting is going on right now in my life.  alas!  i have a few big projects i'm working on at work that i'm trying to balance and wrap my brain around.  i feel like i really need a vacation, but then i realize that i just had a vacation a month ago and should really be fine. 

sigh.  woe is me.  i can hear you playing your little violins.

on wednesday i had a talk with jules, who is... my... therapist?  kind of?  okay, technically she does "energy work and emotional release," which is like therapy, only it has less to do with jung and freud and the dsm IV and more to do with the ideas of eastern medicine.  think chi and chakras and balancing the elements.  a session with jules is extremely hard to explain, so i won't even really try.  she is, however, amazing.  amazing.   i love talking with her.

i also got to spend time with quite a few friends this week. i attended a bridal shower for a coworker with some of my friends from work.  it was very nice to be out with all of them.  i really do love my coworkers, and i feel lucky to be able to say that.  i am avoiding even thinking about the upcoming day in july when one of my work friends will be moving to california.  this is why i need to learn how to apparate post-haste.  (also, that would make vacation a lot more feasable.  dear j.k. rowling: can adults attend hogwarts?  is there a correspondence course setup of some sort?) i also went out with some friends to a lovely little sushi place that was both cheap and delicious. afterward, i spent several hours talking my friend's ear off, reapplying it, and then talking it off again.  poor thing.  (but you can't tell it ever fell off, really. still quite natural-looking.)

this coming week, i'm going to try and keep my life generally organized at home-- a good dinner made every night, keeping things nice and tidy.  it's interesting how much easier it is to concentrate on hard tasks when everything else is in order.

hope you all have a lovely week!


  1. ah, brenda! I wish you could apparate to CA whenever I needed some good talks. :) please, learn quickly! before July!

  2. You didn't talk my ear off. It was an awesome evening! The more quality time with my BBFFBFF, the better.
