
update: it's an update-newsday two-for-one deal!

okay, so i'm kind of failing at posting every day.  but i'm still a good person.  right?  right?

work has been continuing to eat my face, but it's let up for just a little bit.  more big projects coming my way, but i'm just taking a moment to breathe right now and find my happy place.  because i worked this past weekend, i'm planning on taking this friday off, which will be nice.  yay for three-day weekends!

i made strawberry rhubarb pie this weekend.  i'd never had it before, and tis the season for rhubarb, so i decided to just go for it.  oh my holy deliciousness.  i don't know how i've survived twenty-six years without ever becoming acquainted with strawberry rhubarb pie (or, as i just decided that i like to call it, strizzle ru-pizzle*).  so maybe you should be expecting a pie recipe coming up at some point this week, either for my usual wednesday(ish) recipe or friday's wild card.

also, here's the newsday part of today's post.  saturday night, there was a shooting at an area grocery store.  i'm not going to link to the exact article because i don't really want creepy internet people to figure out where i live and show up at my door one day, but the summary is as follows:

at 8:40pm on saturday night, police responded to a call from security guards at a local grocery store.  the guards had restrained a man who was being disorderly and were holding him in the store office.  when the police arrived, the man pulled a gun on them and pointed it at one of the police officers, who then shot the man in self defense.  the man was pronounced dead at the scene.  no customers witnessed the incident.  after the customers left, the entrances to the store were closed and the police began their investigation into the incident.

see, here's the thing.  remember how i said i worked this weekend?  i was in the office until about eight.  then i drove home.  on the way home, i stopped by the store to pick up some things for my mom's special mother's day dinner.  i wandered around the store for a bit before i figured out what i wanted, then purchased it and left.  around, say, 8:30.  and yes, it was this exact grocery store.

heebidy jeebidy.

on a better subject, goals for this week: remember to eat breakfast.  remember to bring lunch to work.  maybe try some yoga in the morning.

hope you're all having a good week!

* i need more sleep.  seriously.

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